Thursday, April 1, 2021

Quest For Illumination Lost Treasure Article by Bill Gallagher Nov 2018

 This was one of the last four articles I published in Lost Treasure, it was also one of the four I did not get paid for or get copies of the magazine.  This may have been because of Postal improprieties, the Democratic Party of NM, and the Hachita Mayes political wheels.  Postal employees at Hachita Bella Flores and Regina Balthazar were directly involved in this identity theft from me, and were also individually rewarded for their actions.  Still nothing from the postmasters about this use of federal facilities to try to disappear people into Mexico.


 The Quest For Illumination
By Bill Gallagher
1100 Words

     Lamp parts are very common metal detector targets.  Mostly from kerosene lamps, these are found in varying degrees of preservation, from good to barely recognizable, though some have been found nearly intact, and if a detectorist is diligent, collecting all his or her lamp parts over time, it should not be surprising that an understanding of our early mechanical lights is the result.  Illumination, you could say.

     For the most part lights are pretty well taken for granted today, but not too long ago transportable lamps were a very important part of life, dating back to prehistoric oil lamps in stone dishes.  Light is a wonderful magical thing, after all.  This is why, initially, the electric lamp was greeted with an almost superstitious awe by many.   Light at the flip of a lever?  No smell of burning oils, no FIRE?

     How could that be?

     Indeed, the earliest light bulbs are very collectible in their own right, but are usually not metal detector targets, or not nearly so much as the old brass kerosene lamp parts, you know, from lamps with tall glass chimneys, and glass oil-reservoirs.  That type of lamp was the favorite night light for a long time, and the general subject matter of this article.  There were also the Flambeaus, usually utility lights to light a roadway, or for use by the railroad workers at night.  Flambeaus were a kind of small copper or brass can which held liquid fuel, with a wick which could be adjusted by a wheel/gear mechanism, just like the kerosene lamps, but for industrial use.  I have found Flambeaus, or the remains of them, that were originally conical in shape, and also cylindrical.  Made of stamped copper and brass sheet they were sometimes ornamented highly with stamped metal scroll work designs or geometrics.  Think tiki torch, same principle.

     Some of the earliest vehicle lights or small spotlights were made from hemispherical and very thick glass lenses which were silvered heavily, and the light from a flame was focused outward with the curved lense.  Some were quite ornate, and could be considered specialty lamps in their own right.  The small lamp pictured here has side lights of red glass, and was recovered from an 1880s trash pit near Ybor City, Tampa Florida.

     If one studies these brass lamp parts, one can see many things.  It is easy to see, for instance, when the lamp parts become really fun as metal detector targets.  Some of those tiniest dinkiest little brass pieces which, because they are brass, drive a detectorist nuts sometimes, are really pieces of brass lamp mechanisms that have, for one reason or another, been smashed to smithereens and strewn about as if by some evil force of nature.  Put there just to trip us up and wreak havoc with our circulatory pressure.  I am sure you know what I am talking about, its that particular and very peculiar place where you are Determined to get that piece of whatever it is out of the ground WHATEVER it takes, because you already have 9 sweaty minutes in the fouled endeavor -- the dumb thing moves around like its alive and is spiting you purposefully.  Fifteen hot and bothersome minutes later, as your back is just beginning to scream,  you finally pull the dirty little thing out of the matrix and it looks like honey I shrunk the bicycle sprocket, a tiny brass wheel with teeth on it.  Later, in the privacy of your cave, while studying your old lamp parts,  where no one can hear your whimpers of angst, you discover that the previous days devil-target was actually the inner wheel to the wick of a brass kerosene lamp.  Aaarrgh! Oh believe me, I know all about it.  Makes you want to run right out and find the rest of the lost mechanism, doesn't't it?  Mm-hmmm.

     The technology of making lamps improved over time, prior to the development of electricity, and this can be seen in any collection of parts dug from the ground.  The working of metal by machines on a large scale, in mass production enterprises, was progressing by leaps and bounds, and the metal parts of the lamps reflect this well, as do nearly all metal products of the time.   Ornate embossment of most metal used for utilitarian purposes seemed to be the order of the day, and some lamps metal work was very nicely done.  

     There are many people who restore and collect old lamps, so there is a brisk market in parts, though many of the parts recovered by detectorists are so damaged as to be virtually useless for that.  The fragility of the brass mesh and other parts do not make for durability.  Even so, it always pays to be aware of a market and its buyers, because you may come across some barn or mine finds, as do happen, where the lamps are intact and in good shape.  These are highly salable, some worth many hundreds of dollars.
     Old dumps are full of this type of copper and brass refuse, and if the layers have not been compressed by a highway or shopping center parking lot then some parts may still be in salable condition.  They always make good valuable scrap metals at least.   It is always worth searching old dumps with metal detectors and eyes.  Lamp parts and many other brass/copper and even silver things will turn up regularly.  Another neat thing about brass lamps and early parts in general is that many times they were clearly marked with the makers name and the patent date in very conspicuous ways.  That information is, of course, invaluable if you can locate it, when ever trying to sell your items.
     There is another market available to metal detectorists, and that is the arts and crafts market.  Artists many times seek out found objects for their sculptures, and some metal detectorists employ the use of their found objects in folk art or collage works themselves.  Shadow boxes and framed works utilizing old metal objects are quite attractive, and can sell well on occasion as decorations for Rec Rooms or Patio Bars.  Some restaurant chains even buy antique decorations for their restaurants if the items match their theme.

     Lamp parts are just one more form of valuable metals waiting to be recovered by the working metal detectorist.  If you seek, illumination will follow, and good things will come to pass for you.  Best of luck and I will look for you in the field.


Various patent documents
Authors personal experience    
Photograph Explanations:

1-4. A specialty lamp recovered near Ybor City Florida, possibly a carriage lamp.  

5-5a. Silvered lenses that were hemispherical were used before electricity to reflect And somewhat magnify a flames light.

6-15. Selections of lamp parts found by the author over the last few years.






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